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News, updates and promotions on web hosting in Asia. Web Hosting Events in Asia in May 2017. There are a couple of events in the web hosting industry in Asia this month. First, starting today, WHD. India is being held in Mumbai, India, immediately followed the next day by NamesCon India, a domain registration conference, at the same location. Virtual Private Networks now illegal in China.
NO 1 HOST IN CHINA. We also provide email solutions. For businesses and organizations, as well as domain name registration. New China VPS locations at .
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SinoVeda is pleased to announce the launch and commercial availability of ProFlexa , a topical cream containing a proprietary mixture of active herbal ingredients engineered to relieve muscle and joint pain, swelling, and inflammation in those suffering from arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. More information about the product, including purchasing details, can be found at proflexa.